Monday, October 12, 2020

Safely Supporting the Cats

I recently went to my first UK football game of the year. As we all know, the SEC had a hard decision to make when the questions about football season started to arise. The SEC made the executive decision to let the games be played, while also allowing fans. A lot fewer fans are allowed into the game, though. all fans are also required to wear masks.

While attending the game, I paid attention to what was different in the stadium compared to last year. While walking through the hallways of the stadium, I noticed fewer people and a lot more space to walk. Regularly, these hallways are packed full. Going without touching surrounding fans was impossible before. When I got to my seat, I noticed that groups of tickets had large spaces between them. there were at least five seats between the other group in the row and our own. This is evident in this photo.

You were required to wear a mask at all times in the stadium. The only exceptions were while you were eating or drinking. There were employees of the stadium standing by each staircase keeping an eye on the fans. if you had your mask off, you were told to put it back on. If you disobeyed, you had to leave. I noticed very few people disobeying.

I feel as if UK is doing what they can to keep football season up and running in a safe way. There is not much else they can do without hurting the team and funding. I enjoyed the game, even with the precautions. Here is a snippet for you to appreciate.

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